Nomad Tales
I jumped with eyes closed. I dove into these deep waters not knowing with whom I'm going to swim with. It's an unsure move. It was uncalculated. I didn't have plan B or C. It's either I ace this or not. There will be no in between.
I work from home now. I dropped the corporate life after five and half years. I chose housemates over officemates. It was a move I was so hesitant to take at first. It was tempting, yet the thought of it also freaks me out. The thought of not suffering the metro traffic, of not having to wake up early just to catch that 7 am office sched, not being able to go on vacations because the boss didn't approve my leave, the office politics and drama -- these all pushed me to quit the office. It has become so tiring already. It drains me day by day. Plus the fact that I don't get the pay I think I deserve -- employee benefits and all. It all piled up that one day I just found myself submitting my resignation letter. Five years ended with that letter.
The first few weeks of being an at-homer was surreal. It's like you're on unlimited vacation leave. I did what I longed to do for years, I went home and stayed there the longest time since I graduated high school. Yes, and that's 10 long years. It was a bit hard to adjust at first. There was that withdrawal syndrome. I was asking myself before, where do I use my fancy clothes then? So I only get to wear my lipsticks and eyeliners on Sundays? And, of course, the weekend dates with friends. Living in the city after high school, my circle of friends are city hunters. And here I am going back to live in the rural where I came from. Plus I have no other close friends back in town. My social life has been greatly affected.
I miss the city. There are times when I just crave so much for pizza. Thin crust, baby! Or cheesecake. I miss going to the malls and coffee shops. I miss eating out. I miss going out for movies. I miss the lights, the noise, the chaos that is the city. It's now that I'm mostly surrounded with greens that I miss the city color, if there's such a thing. Its vibrancy and life perhaps. I miss going home late.
Days run to weeks and then to months, I have learned what I gained best from this decision. Freedom. I am free. I am literally working anywhere I want. I have become a nomad in some way and I will never be complaining of it. From Manila to Batangas to Baguio. There was even one time when I had to work in the hospital when my mother was admitted. I am that flexible. I can bring my office literally anywhere as long as there is an Internet connection. I have a portable office as I usually joke. Once I get bored in one place, I can easily pack my laptop in my back and head somewhere else. How awesome can this life get? :)
And oh, income-wise? I can say I have achieved financial stability faster compared to when I was a corporate prisoner. It sure has better pay but I know this also requires financial management skills for my efforts not to be put into waste. I am able to go on vacations, eat out whenever and wherever I want, shop for shoes (!!!), invest bit by bit, save. Need I say more? I am having the time of my life.
Sometimes I think this is just all a dream. Work is hard, I have already accepted that. But all these perks I have I think are so surreal. Too good to be true, I guess. My future working days are not yet determined as I work job by job, day by day. But it's one downside of this that I have wholeheartedly embraced. I always aim to seize the day.
As I am writing this, I have a a trip booked to Batanes and I have basic knowledge in driving. And I can't keep my kilig cells to my self. There are other things I wish and hope to pursue and venture in in the coming days, so I have my fingers crossed. Tups is, as millenials say, #blessed. :)
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