Small Victories
Celebrate. With confetti , over coffee, with flowers, however you prefer.
I remember days ago reading about the phrase "this too shall pass." That however burdensome your problem is, worry not because it shall pass. On the same note, glory moments are not bound to last as well. It shall pass. So it's about appreciating more your victories, whether small or huge. Celebrating moments because they are bound to pass.
With the multitude of #goals we have, achieving them one by one, however slow or fast, however simple or grand, it's victory in and of itself. I remember where I was exactly one year ago. And a lot have happened indeed. From my first attempt to travelling solo to the anniversary of my goats, what's not worth celebrating? I am more than grateful for these victories.
See, victories aren't only after contests or races. It may be as simple as surpassing your limits, overcoming fears, crossing boundaries, testing new fields, moving on. Discovering a better version of yourself and owning it may be your kind of victory. Your first attempt for a long drive is a victory.
You are a victor. And you are worth celebrating.
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