
I thought only cats get killed because of curiosity. I was wrong. Curiosity and asking, from one thing leading to another, is now threatening the innocent and ignorant me not to be killed per se, but I think it threatens me as it leads me to a wide array of truths I do not know exist, truths I do not know I can handle, truths I do not know how to handle.

Once I asked about things I am perplexed about, things that cause me confusion, things that take me to the edge of what I believe to be just and fair, things that are unknown to me, things that I need guidance in understanding, things that require other's experienced and knowledgeable mind in explaining, things that implore genuine hearts to be untangled.

The answers I got aren't the ones I was expecting to get. And it took me by complete and utter surprise. It's like events did a complete 360 somersault in front of me. I was in awe with the extent of facts and truths and further confusions that now lay bare before me. I was taken off guard with the surge of emotions that have sparkled and ignited since then. The voice of people wanting information still echoes in my head. Likewise, their mute voice of desolation for the unexpected answer screams like thunders tearing from the gloomy skies. Quite a horrible sound I may add.

But the answers are what they are. And we are to abide by that, accept them as they are, walk by it, and trust with all our hearts. I admit the answers gave birth to new questions, but now may not be the perfect time to ask them. I still crave for some clarification. Some things remain blurry in my eyes. But you should not touch the wound while it's still raw and unbandaged, it may only get infected or worst lead to a senseless death. Let it heal for the meantime, let time cast its healing spell upon it and think some more if questions are still worth asking. It doesn't end here, it will never end.

I look forward to the time wherein all this will be solved and answers themselves are easily accessible. I ask because I do not know, not because I oppose. I ask because something is unclear, not because I rebel. Feed me answers, whether right or wrong, and let me digest it. Guide me to understand it so I will never ask it again.


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