Love Story

Warning: THIS IS SO NOT A FREAKIN' LOVE STORY!!! only a bit.. :p

I feel like a gay writing about mushy stuffs like this. I feel like a teener wearing pink all over discussing cheesy things like this. I feel stupid tackling earthly topics like this. But I can't help it.

I just need to vent this out. Let me be.

We broke up already. Let's start with that. Told you this isn't a freakin love story. That hog went MIA and that was the end of it. That pig evaporated from the planet oh-so suddenly and that was the end of it. That worm has the guts to all of a sudden leave -- yeah, you could have said that you're leaving and I would have let you go. I am not that selfish, you pig! Yaah, I am bitter and I know it.

And now he's gone and I freakin miss him.. but only a bit.. :p

Enough. Enough. Enoughhhhh!!!!!!!


1. Don't fall in love with your HS classmate whom you've seen again at the van station. That's epic. Just don't. Now there's the statistic that it won't work. haha..

2. Don't give your number to someone insignificant. Your life is already tangled as it is. It's already a plate of complication, so do yourself a favor and do not entertain pigs!! They're only on it for fun, ain't not the serious type.

3. Be with someone stronger than you -- someone who has the balls to say yes when you say no; someone who can fight you (not physically, though) but someone who can challenge your thoughts and decisions. Be with someone who you can be weak with, not someone who makes your feel weak and pathetic.

4. Don't let yourself be in a virtual relationship that exists mostly on chats and texts. However tech savvy the world is today, however advance the way of communicating is today, choose to be with a real human being whom you can touch, you can hug, you can kiss. We're not androids who talk via internet waves or signal waves trough Smart or Globe. A boyfriend in the flesh is what you deserve.

5. FAITH -- that's the keyword that should bind you both. A shared faith and a faith towards each other. The road can never go bumby if you know and have that faith -- but if does get bumpy, who cares, you together are stronger than the biggest bump in the road because of that faith.

6. That "iLoveYou" thing isn't that hard to tell or utter after all. That was what I believe before. but the catch is sometimes we say it at the wrong person or at the wrong time, or maybe we mean it less that its true meaning, or we exaggerate everything and mistaken it to something that is akin to love. Nevertheless, whatever the circumstances are, however perfect or imperfect your relationship has been, whether he's been a total jerk or not, LOVE IS A WONDERFUL FEELING. It's worth the pain.

7. Lastly, let's go mainstream here. Like the popular song says, LET IT GO. To linger is to continuously inflict pain to yourself. I get it that it takes time, but start with acceptance, and then let it go swiftly and slowly. You don't have to forget the man, you just have to get over the feeling.



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